

美国的早晨(AM)一般指凌晨5点到上午9点这一个时段,早上(PM)则是下午1点到6点。所以“Good morning”自然是在清晨问候的,但“Good afternoon ”才是正儿八经的午后问候。 那如果要表达“你TM终于醒了!”应该说什么?

一、如果你恨他/她:Wake the fuck up! 二、如果你爱他/她:Wake up, baby.

三、如果是个无聊的周末早晨:Wake up, it's Saturday. 四、如果这是一个特别的早晨:Wake up, it's a beautiful day outside. 五、或者用一个短语替代整个句子:Wake up and smell the coffee = Wake up. 六、用英文表达中国式起床气:You got to go back to bed now, young man. You are late for school.

七、如果是工作日并且你着急赶地铁/公交:Wake up, or you will be late for work. 八、也可以表示劝别人别睡着了,好好工作/学习:Wake up and get to work, you lazy bum! 九、提醒身边的人注意行车安全/健康:Wake up, you are driving too fast!

十、或者是比较婉转地唤醒人:Wake up, love, we have some plans today. 十一、表示生气别人还在睡觉:Don’t you know that I need you awake and alive?

十二、最霸气地唤醒人:I will never give in to your laziness. You have until noon to wake up. 十三、提醒别人注意不要做梦:Dream on, but don't fall asleep.
