

这个协会不怎么样,我参加过一次中国互联网大会,大会期间各种会议层出不穷,大会当天来了很多领导,各大媒体纷纷报道,好不热闹!但是到了第二天,就是7月31号,所有相关的媒体全部消失了,新闻稿也不见了,好像什么事都没有发生过一样。。。。。 更夸张的是,在会场内有一个什么“网络安全博览会”,我去那里逛了一下,发现里面有很多卖各种“杀毒软件”的公司在卖力宣传,我突然觉得很有必要把这些公司的“真面目”揭露出来!

1.360 你以为360真的爱国吗?其实他们早就被美国收了黑钱了!!360所有的产品都是一个套路,就是装完驱动之后偷偷把你电脑里的文件拷贝走然后传到他们服务器里让他们的工程师分析!!我的一个朋友就在360工作,他告诉我的!!而且360根本就没自己研发的杀毒引擎,全是买别的厂商的,简直就是一垃圾货色!

2.腾讯 Tencent should be banned in China. It is an evil company that makes money by invading people's privacy and distributing malware (QQPC). In addition, its new QQ browser is a total copy of Chrome with absolutely no original features at all. To top it off, the browser is loaded with intrusive advertising. On Windows, it installs unrequested hardware drivers that can be very difficult to uninstall. I tried to use the Control Panel to do so but found only two options: to completely uninstall or to keep them. Neither option was satisfactory, so I had to go into registry to finally remove those dangerous drivers. Needless to say, after all this mess, my computer started acting up again.The whole experience was extremely unpleasant and made me think twice about ever using another one of your products again.

3.新浪 Sina has been known for censoring critical comments on their blog(微博). They will also censor any links to other blogs as well. In addition, when users post comments on certain blogs, they are often moderated out of existence. For example, I tried posting some feedback on a blog a few days ago and it never showed up. When I contacted their “customer service”, they told me that there must have been some kind of technical error. Hmmm, I thought 我也许该把这句话发上去:新浪你妈逼真是靠耍流氓起家的!


这个网站,我看了下,是2013年开始的 里面有很多信息。 这个协会应该是很有实力的。 我只是随便翻了几个网页,就看到很多关于“保护知识产权”的信息 还有很多其他的内容 如果要深入了解的话还是去官网看看吧! 中国互联网协会--首页 ( 你可以在上面查找相关资料 中国互联网协会(简称“中网联”)是在中华人民共和国工业和信息化部的指导下,由国内著名的互联网企业、互联网服务提供者等机构自愿结成的全国性社团组织。

中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)于1997年6月成立,是由国家主管部门批准设立的国家级网络信息中心。 中联网作为我国互联网行业的自律性组织和互联网服务的行业管理机构,在国家信息化领导小组领导下,在通信管理部门的指导下,通过加强行业自律和监管等方式,维护了我国的网络安全与稳定发展;同时,也积极发挥了连接政府与社会公众的桥梁作用,有效地沟通了政府与企业的联系。
